Empowering Young Adults with Financial Education and Guidance

Helping you understand the compounding effects of your financial decisions

Empowering Young Adults to Make Smarter Financial Decisions

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A Story Told Time and Time Again

Freshman Year
Limited Financial Awareness

Only 1 in 4 students experienced financial education while in high school.

Sophomore Year
Adulting Is Hard

16% of students will drop out of college due to financial challenges.

Junior Year
Swept Under The Rug

Students are often feeling pressure, but often have the "I'll deal with it later" approach.

Senior Year
Financial Stress Sets In

They join the ~52,000,000 young adults that suffer from financial stress and anxiety.

We Are Here To Rewrite That Story

We leverage simulation, gamification, and personalized story lines to create an engaging financial education experience for college students.


Don’t believe us? Well, this is what our users had to say about our system!
This was super helpful we don’t learn this in everyday courses and its something we NEED to know. I think every major should be doing this
- Quinnipiac University Senior
I actually really enjoyed this simulation and usually I don’t enjoy simulations, but this is one I would want to continue doing. I think it is really helpful to learn about real scenarios since teachers don’t teach this in school
- Quinnipiac University Senior
One of the more enjoyable simulations I’ve done since I’ve been at QU. Simple and easy to understand, and the best part about this was how easy it was to navigate compared to other sims.
- Quinnipiac University Senior